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Participating in an Exchange Program


Exchange students can submit their application through their universities. Duration, tuition fees, accommodation and support for visa applications differ per exchange agreement.

Exchanges under university level agreements

For exchanges under a university level agreement (see category in agreement list), tuition fee is paid only at the home institution, so there is no extra tuition fee for studying at OCU. We will support you to find accommodation in a student dorm (or, if unavailable, try to introduce relatively cheap private accommodation) and will support you in your visa application process.

Exchange students can take Japanese language classes and classes introducing Japanese culture and history. Additionally they can follow regular graduate or undergraduate classes. You can find a comprehensive overview of classes offered here: Syllabus (in Japanese).

Exchanges under faculty level agreements

For exchanges under faculty level agreements, courses, tuition fees, accommodation and support for visa applications can differ per agreement.

For more information, please contact the office in charge of the exchange program at your home university.